Small Groups

Jesus was in a small group.

I’m just saying…

Life change happens in small groups.


Jesus includes everyone and invites all people into a relationship with him, teaching, “Come as you are, but don’t stay that way”, because the greatest adventure of our lives involves becoming more like him. That means pursuing spiritual growth. At the Prairie Campus we encourage each one of us to be asking, “How am I growing deeper in my faith? What’s my next step in growing closer to God and following Jesus?”

Small groups are a great place to pursue that growth. And they are a great place to make friends! Life is better when we live it together.

Recent small groups have included "Invitation to the Old Testament: A Short-Term DISCIPLE Bible Study" (and also the New Testament study), Anti-racism small groups, Lenten studies, a Rob Bell book study on "Love Wins", and Adam Hamilton book studies including "Unafraid", "24 Hours That Changed the World”, and "Making Sense of the Bible".

Current Small Group Offerings

For all groups listed below, contact for more information. Subscribe to our e-newsletter HERE to be notified of upcoming gatherings.


A great way to meet other young Prairie moms and/or dads, while your children play and make new friends. Come with your babies, toddlers, and preschoolers for a time of fun and friendship. We’ll meet the second Monday of each month at 9:30 am at our houses on a rotating basis.We’ll also gather on occasional Saturday mornings for outings (and to make sure our working parents can participate in this group).

YOUNG ADULTS GROUP — Anyone in their 20s and 30s

A group for young adults to connect and meet up for fun activities.


This group gets together for monthly gatherings and helps plan our church’s annual participation in the Colorado Springs Pride Parade.


Lynn Strong and Margaret Scott will be leading a Bible Study on Tuesday mornings beginning January 23rd. We are starting with a study of Luke. This Bible Study is open to all adults. We will meet Tuesday mornings 10:00-11:30. Childcare will be provided. We will be meeting at Margaret's house which is in the Briargate area (Near Woodmen and Rangewood). Children will be in the playroom in the basement. Please let Margaret or Lynn know if you need childcare. There will be a sign up sheet at worship or you can email Margaret at


This group is geared toward newcomers at the Prairie Campus (anyone who has started coming in the last 12 months) who are longing to connect. (But if you have been here longer and never had a chance to be in this group you are still welcome to join in.) To join the group, sign up on the sheet at worship in the back of the gym or email Pastor Patty at and she will give you the address.

HURT BY CHURCH? QUESTIONING YOUR FAITH? - “A More Christlike God” Book Group

What is God really like? Is God a critical, demanding, punishing judge, a genie in a bottle, a distant (or absent) parent, etc? Instead, what if God is just like Jesus with a love that is more generous, more inclusive, and more beautiful than we could have ever imagined? If your past church experience has left you hurt, disillusioned, and questioning your faith tradition, then we want to invite you to a discussion of Brad Jersak's book, A More Christlike God, led by Guy Moore. The group will run from February through May.

PRAIRIE PADRES- A Group for Dads

A group for dads with kids at home (babies thru college age kids) who’d like to connect through a monthly dads' night. We hope to connect with other guys who are in a parenting phase of life, build supportive community for walking through the challenges of fatherhood, grow spiritually, and serve our church and local community …and have fun!

We meet once a month on a Thursday night (gatherings vary by location and activity.)

PRAIRIE GALS — A Group for Women of All Ages

All women welcome, age 18+. We meet monthly for various activities, breakfasts, brunches, and dinners.

PRAIRIE GUYS — A Group for Men of All Ages

All men welcome, age 18+. We meet monthly for various activities, breakfasts, lunches and dinners at local restaurants.


A small group of women from Prairie Campus (and friends) gather every Wednesday morning around 9 or 10, depending on the season, to walk a few (3-4+) miles together and chat. We typically stick around for coffee or lunch afterwards if our schedules allow. All are welcome! We walk in different places around COS so your suggestions are welcome too. We typically start coordinating who can come and where we'll meet each Monday. For more info, contact Kymm at



Sundays, 9:00-9:45 AM 

Join us for a Sunday morning journey with Luke - Jesus and the Outcasts, Outsiders, and Outlaws, by Rev. Adam Hamilton. We'll explore the inclusive, healing, life-giving message of Jesus in Luke's Gospel. We begin January 14, but you can pop in at any time. Find your copy of the book at your favorite book source. Join fellow seekers in a journey toward a deeper understanding of the Gospel that includes the stories of the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, and the road to Emmaus. Led by Dave Margiotta and Guy Moore. The class will be held in the Sunday School area in the older kids classroom. (When you walk into the building go to your left and then turn right down the last hall. The classroom is the third classroom on the left.) If you need childcare, please let Margaret know, so we can arrange it. Questions? Margaret at